I think most of the student......no,no,no.All of the students hate Exam & Test, me too. Before exam, students have to study hardly to get a good result, passing with flying coloours. Many students studied under stress. Stress, makes us more hardworking, it also kills many students and students are becoming crazy!!!
Test 3 is coming. My friends and I are rushing times to do revision in the eleventh hour. As for me,I am studying in the eleventh hour also. Every minutes and seconds are very treasurable for me. Wasting no time, I study, study, and study. When my friend asks me, have I finish my revision, I will most properly say no. If you had finished study, please ask yourself, can you get 100% marks??? If no, please don't stop studying until the last few seconds. If yes, you shouldn't stop studying also!!! You might forget something also as we are human but not god!!!We can't do something perfect.
So, STUDY UNTIL THE LAST MINUTES, had become my concept/princip of study.
5 years ago
1 comment:
Yet, studying at the last minute can be quite risky. I will advise you that if possible please don't practise that attitude. Pay attention and do revision often. If 'suddenly an emergency incident occurring before you exam, and you will have no time to study, what result will you get? You are in secondary school now.. Learning is a process that wont be able to complete in life. It is a long journey. Sometimes dont always study the syllabus. Do practise some case study which can improve your personal knowledge.
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